Procell Microchanneling

Restore Youthful Vitality of Your Skin With Procell™ Microchanneling

Procell Microchanneling is an innovative treatment that uses tiny needles to create micro-channels in the skin, triggering the body's natural healing response and stimulating collagen production. This process helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, scars, and hyperpigmentation for a smoother and healthier-looking complexion. We use state-of-the-art equipment ensuring precise application while minimizing discomfort during the procedure. To see how Procell Microchanneling can improve your skin, schedule an appointment today!

A woman with curly hair and freckles is laughing with her hand on her head.

All About Procell™ Microchanneling

Procell™ Microchanneling is an innovative procedure that creates tiny microchannels in the skin, stimulating natural healing response which leads to increased collagen and elastin production for improved skin texture, firmness and overall appearance.

  • What is Procell™ Microchanneling?

    An innovative skincare treatment, Procell™ Microchanneling uses advanced technology to rejuvenate skin. The procedure focuses on initiating the formation of new collagen, improving the surface texture of the skin.

    The treatment stimulates activity at the cellular level. Its aim is to counteract daily sun damage, inflammation, chemicals, and gravity that work against your skin's youthful vitality.

  • How does it work?

    The effectiveness of this treatment lies in its ability to stimulate natural growth hormones in your body. Combining these hormones with advanced microchanneling technology results in healthier, youthful-looking skin.

    Clinically proven to increase collagen and elastin production, the procedure improves various aspects of your skin health. This includes enhancing thickness and reducing wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture.

  • Who is a suitable candidate?

    Procell™ Microchanneling has a broad suitability range across different ages and skin types. It's an ideal solution for anyone looking to improve their complexion or tackle specific issues like acne scars or hyperpigmentation.

    However, it's always advised to consult with our skincare specialists before beginning any new regimen. They will assess your individual needs and guide you accordingly towards achieving optimal results.

  • What is the expected downtime?

    The treatment is generally well tolerated with minimal side effects. Slight redness or swelling may be seen which typically subsides within 24-48 hours.

    Downtime is minimal with this procedure allowing you to return to normal activities quickly. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least 24 hours post-treatment.

    You might observe an immediate glow in your complexion after the first session itself. However, significant improvements in skin texture and reduction in scars become more visible after multiple sessions.

  • Which areas can be treated?

    1. Arms & Shoulders: Helps in improving skin texture and appearance on arms and shoulders.

    2. Neck Area: Helps in reducing neck lines and improving skin texture.

    3. Chest Region: Perfect for treating sun damage and age spots on the chest.

    4. Back of Hands: Great for addressing age-related changes and improving the overall appearance of hands.

    5. Scars on Body: Effective in lightening acne scars, surgical scars or trauma-induced scars anywhere on the body.

    6. Stretch Marks: Useful in reducing visibility of stretch marks after pregnancy or weight changes.


    7. Scalp Area: Can be used to stimulate hair growth by rejuvenating the scalp area.


    8. Leg Region: Works well to reduce signs of sun damage, dryness or aging on legs.

  • What to Expect During a Session?

    A session begins with the application of a numbing cream for optimal comfort. The microchanneling device is then gently glided over your skin. 

    A serum, tailored to your skin’s needs, is applied during the treatment. This ensures maximum absorption and efficacy of the active ingredients.

A woman in a green bikini is sitting on a cardboard box.

Benefits of Procell™ Microchanneling

Choosing Procell™ Microchanneling means opting for a treatment that can effectively address various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, scars or pigmentation while promoting healthier, younger-looking skin with minimal downtime involved.

  • Improvement in Skin Texture and Appearance

    Bask in the glow of healthier, smoother skin. The treatment can significantly enhance skin texture, leaving it feeling silky smooth and refreshed.

    Not only will you notice a visible difference, but the tactile softness will leave you feeling rejuvenated. It's your step towards a more radiant and youthful complexion.

  • Reduction in Fine Lines, Acne Scars & Hyperpigmentation

    Say goodbye to stubborn skin problems. Our treatments can effectively reduce fine lines that have been troubling you for years.

    Also, if acne scars or hyperpigmentation are your concern, our procedure can significantly lighten them over time. It's an effective solution for a variety of skin issues.

  • Stimulation of Natural Skin Regeneration

    Our procedures aim to work with your body’s natural processes rather than against them. We stimulate the body’s inherent ability to repair and regenerate healthier skin cells.

    By encouraging natural regeneration, we ensure a holistic approach to skincare that respects your body’s innate healing capabilities.

  • Increase in Collagen & Elastin Production

    The beauty world swears by collagen and elastin for good reason! These proteins are vital for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing signs of aging.

    Our treatment is clinically proven to boost their production leading to improved skin thickness. It's like turning back the clock on aging.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have numerous questions so we've compiled answers to some of the most common queries our clients have about our services and treatments. It's designed to give you a clear understanding of what to expect from us. If you can't find an answer or need more details, feel free to reach out to us directly - we're always here to help!

  • Is Procell™ Microchanneling painless?

    While the thought of micro-needles on your skin may sound intimidating, rest assured that our clients usually find the treatment quite tolerable. We take all necessary precautions to ensure minimal discomfort during the procedure. This includes applying a topical numbing cream prior to treatment, which significantly reduces any potential pain.

    The sensation is often described as a mild prickling or tingling feeling. However, every individual's pain threshold varies. Our experienced therapists always prioritize your comfort and will adjust the treatment accordingly based on your feedback during the session.

  • Can I combine this treatment with other treatments?

    Absolutely! The versatility of this procedure makes it a perfect complement to many other treatments we offer at our studio. It enhances the penetration and effectiveness of skincare products, making it an ideal pairing with facial treatments for example.

    However, it's essential to have a consultation with our therapists before combining treatments. They can provide professional advice tailored to your specific skin type and concerns, ensuring you get optimal results while maintaining skin health.

  • How many sessions do I need for optimum results?

    The number of sessions required can vary greatly depending on individual skin conditions and desired outcomes. Generally speaking, noticeable improvements can be seen after just one session but for more significant changes like scar reduction or anti-ageing effects, multiple sessions might be necessary.

    Keep in mind that collagen production takes time. Therefore, patience is key when it comes to seeing visible results from this procedure. Regular sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart are often recommended for best results but again this would be personalized based on your unique needs during consultation.

  • Can I undergo this procedure if I have sensitive skin type?

    Sensitive skin can indeed benefit from this procedure as it promotes healing and rejuvenation without causing significant damage or irritation. However, as every individual’s skin is unique, we strongly recommend a consultation prior to treatment.

    During the consultation, our therapists will evaluate your skin type and condition, discuss your concerns and expectations, and suggest a tailored treatment plan that suits you best. The safety and satisfaction of our clients is our top priority at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio.

  • Are there any specific precautions to be taken before starting the treatment?

    Before undergoing the procedure, it's best to avoid excessive sun exposure or use of tanning products for at least 48 hours. Also refrain from using retinol-based products or other strong topical treatments on your face for few days prior to your appointment.

    On the day of your appointment, come with clean skin free of makeup or skincare products. Our therapists will provide more detailed instructions based on your specific needs during the consultation session.

Our Services

Step into a world of rejuvenation and self-care with our array of bespoke services at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio. Our offerings span across holistic, anti-aging spa treatments, energy healing services, and cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments. Embrace the journey towards enhanced well-being with us.

A woman is smiling and touching her face with her hands.

Take the First Step Towards Age-Defying Skin

Take the first step towards a wrinkle free smooth skin. Our skilled team at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness in Newburyport is waiting to guide you on your journey to rejuvenation with Procell Microchanneling. You can consider our NeoGen PSR Plasma Resurfacing treatment as well. Reach out to us today for a personalized consultation that caters to your unique needs and goals. Let's together redefine beauty, no matter where you're joining us from! Book your session now!

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