Energy Healing

Harmonize Your Mind, Body, and Spirit at Soul Serenity

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks promoting physical health and emotional well-being. At Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio; we offer energy healing sessions aimed at restoring balance within your body's energy fields, leading to improved health and tranquility. Our therapists are highly trained in these practices, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment during each session. Reach out today to book an energy healing appointment.

A woman is laying on a bed getting a massage from a massage therapist.

Energy Healing Explained

Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves activating body’s subtle energy systems to remove blockages which can hinder natural healing processes. By breaking through these energetic blocks, body’s inherent ability to heal itself gets stimulated.

  • What is energy healing?

    Energy Healing, a holistic practice, focuses on clearing blockages within the body's energy field. It promotes self-healing by enhancing the flow of energy through the body. 

    It's an ancient healing methodology that taps into an individual's life force. The process promotes balance and harmony within.

  • What are its benefits?

    Energy Healing can alleviate physical pain and emotional distress, restoring overall well-being. It also boosts vitality and enhances mental clarity.

    Furthermore, this healing approach increases resilience to stress and strengthens the immune system. Regular sessions can lead to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life.

  • How does it work?

    The practice involves channeling energy into or through the client's body by a practitioner. The goal is to remove energy deficiencies, unblock areas of congestion, and increase vitality.

    Each session varies depending on individual needs. However, it generally involves the client lying down in a relaxed state while the practitioner works on their energy fields.

  • Who can benefit?

    Individuals feeling stressed, anxious or those dealing with chronic illness may find relief through Energy Healing. It helps in restoring balance and promoting relaxation.

    Moreover, anyone seeking personal growth or wanting to maintain wellness can benefit from this holistic treatment method. It is an inclusive practice beneficial for all age groups.

A woman is sitting in a lotus position while another woman massages her head.

Reiki Healing

Reiki healing is an ancient Japanese technique that harnesses universal life force energy for balancing mind, body and spirit while promoting overall wellness through stress reduction and relaxation.

  • What is Reiki Healing?

    Reiki Healing is an ancient Japanese technique that promotes balance and healing. It involves the transfer of universal life energy to encourage emotional and physical wellness.

    Incorporating Reiki Healing into your wellness routine can act as a powerful tool to alleviate stress and foster inner tranquility. It offers a holistic approach to self-care, focusing on body, mind, and soul.

  • What are the benefits of Reiki?

    Embracing the practice of Reiki can result in a wide array of benefits. Notably, it enhances relaxation, reduces stress levels, and promotes overall wellbeing. 

    Additionally, it aids in releasing energy blockages within the body. This leads to an improved flow of life force energy which boosts vitality and encourages a balanced state of being.

  • How does it work?

    Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio practices traditional methods for administering Reiki healing treatments. Our skilled practitioners channel positive life force energy into the client's body using light or non-touch techniques.

    The main objective is promoting balance and restoration by eliminating spiritual blockages. The process activates your body's innate healing ability resulting in increased vitality.

  • Who should consider Reiki Healing?

    Reiki healing is a gentle yet powerful treatment suitable for anyone seeking tranquility through non-invasive means. If you find yourself overwhelmed by life's demands or need deep relaxation, this therapy could be beneficial.

    It is also recommended for those who wish to activate their body’s ability to heal chronic conditions or discomforts. Those seeking energetic rejuvenation that uplifts spirits would also benefit from this service.

A man is sitting in a lotus position on a yoga mat with chakras surrounding his body.

Chakra Balance Healing

Chakra balance healing aims at restoring harmony among seven main energy centers in our bodies known as chakras; each relating with particular physical, emotional or spiritual aspects of our health.

  • What is Chakra Balance Healing?

    Reiki Healing is an ancient Japanese technique that promotes balance and healing. It involves the transfer of universal life energy to encourage emotional and physical wellness.

    Incorporating Reiki Healing into your wellness routine can act as a powerful tool to alleviate stress and foster inner tranquility. It offers a holistic approach to self-care, focusing on body, mind, and soul.

  • What are the benefits of balancing your Chakras?

    Chakra Balance Healing is a holistic approach to wellness. It's based on the concept of aligning the energy centers in our bodies, often referred to as chakras. By finding balance and clearing blockages within these centers, we can achieve mental, physical, and spiritual harmony.

    The practice has its roots in ancient wisdom, utilizing meditation and energy work to correct imbalances. This process helps restore equilibrium in our energetic system, promoting overall well-being.

  • How does it work?

    Our trained practitioners begin by scanning your energy fields for imbalances. Once identified, they suggest suitable techniques tailored to clear blockages effectively. Our studio provides a serene environment conducive for healing.

    We combine intention setting with meditation during sessions for optimal results. These practices aim at restoring proper flow within your chakral centers, leading you towards deep transformation and inner peace.

  • Who should consider Chakra Balance Healing?

    If you're seeking a comprehensive wellness approach addressing both physical and energetic health aspects, consider chakra balance healing. Those grappling with stress or emotional turmoil will find this service particularly beneficial.


    Additionally, if you're experiencing spiritual blockers manifesting as physical discomfort or aiming for deeper body-soul connection and spiritual growth - this service is ideal for you.

A woman is laying on the floor getting a massage with a fork.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is an ancient spiritual method aimed at restoring balance and harmony within an individual through connection with nature's spirits using various tools like drums, rattles or sacred plants for cleansing rituals or soul retrieval practices.

  • What is Shamanic Healing?

    Shamanic healing is a holistic approach that promotes emotional and spiritual well-being. Rooted in ancient indigenous cultures, it focuses on reconnecting individuals with the rhythms of nature for optimal health.

    The practice incorporates various techniques such as energy medicine, chanting, and fasting. These methods aim to release emotional traumas, energy blockages, and help individuals align with their authentic selves.

  • What are the benefits of Shamanic Healing?

    Shamanic healing offers a comprehensive pathway to wellness. It can alleviate feelings of disconnection from oneself or the world around you by restoring your natural rhythm.

    Moreover, it allows for emotional release from past traumas and grief. This restoration often results in increased vitality, reduced fatigue, and enhanced alignment with one's spirit.

  • How does it work?

    Our practitioners begin each session with an intake evaluation to understand your healing needs better. They listen intuitively to what is happening within your body while gaining knowledge about your overall well-being.

    From there, we schedule energy medicine sessions that harness the power of nature and spirit allies. These sessions incorporate indigenous practices like drumming and other rituals to unblock chakral flow effectively.

  • Who should consider Shamanic Healing?

    Shamanic healing is beneficial for anyone feeling out of sync with themselves or their surroundings. It offers solace for those grappling with feelings of disconnection or seeking a new path in life but are unsure about their purpose.

    Moreover, if you seek a deeper connection with nature and the world around you or need help releasing spiritual wounds or trauma — shamanic healing may be an excellent fit.

A woman is talking to another woman while sitting on a bench.

Spiritual Intuitive Coaching

Spiritual intuitive coaching helps individuals gain clarity about their life path by tapping into their intuition for guidance in personal growth, career decisions or relationships while aligning with their true self.

  • What is Spiritual Intuition?

    Spiritual Intuitive Coaching is a holistic approach to personal growth. It combines traditional coaching methods with insights drawn from spiritual perspectives.

    This form of coaching assists individuals in understanding their inner selves. It aims to unlock their full potential, leading to personal and spiritual transformation.

  • What are the benefits of Embracing Spiritual Guidance?

    The benefits of this practice are multi-faceted. From improving personal growth to gaining a deeper understanding of one's life path, the impact can be transformative.

    Through the process, individuals can achieve self-awareness and empowerment. The journey towards healing becomes more attainable, ultimately leading to improved well-being.

  • How does it work?

    Spiritual Intuitive Coaching aims at aligning actions with your authentic self. This involves making conscious decisions that reflect your true essence.

    This alignment creates a harmonious balance within oneself. Ultimately it leads to a more fulfilling life filled with purpose and meaning.

    At Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio, our practitioners work collaboratively with each client. The goal is to provide guidance and support throughout the journey of self-discovery.

    Our approach helps clients tap into their inner wisdom and intuition. This allows for an authentic connection between mind, body, and spirit.

  • Who should consider Spiritual Coaching?

    Those grappling with emotional wounds or past traumas can greatly benefit from this service. It provides a safe space for healing and processing emotions in a healthy way.

    Additionally, those in transition or looking to deepen their connection with intuition will find this service beneficial. It helps increase mindfulness in everyday life, promoting overall mental health.

A woman is sitting at a table holding a deck of tarot cards.

Angel Card Reading

Angel card reading is a form of divination where messages from angels are interpreted through cards, providing guidance on various aspects of life such as love, health or career.

  • What is Angel Card Reading?

    Angel Card Reading is a form of divination that seeks guidance and insight from the angelic realm. It is a spiritual practice that taps into universal energy, providing clarity and direction in various aspects of life.

    The process involves reading cards that act as conduits between physical and spiritual realms. These cards, interpreted by our skilled practitioners, reveal messages from your guardian angels, offering comfort, insight, and transformation.

  • What are the benefits of an Angel Card Reading?

    Engaging in Angel Card Reading can offer numerous benefits. The practice can provide guidance during challenging times, help make sense of life situations and inspire positivity. 

    It serves as a pathway to self-reflection and empowerment. Moreover, it aids in embracing your unique life path with divine guidance. This form of reading can offer insights on career choices, relationships, personal growth among other aspects.

  • What Does a Reading Look Like?

    Our sessions are conducted in serene environments conducive for spiritual connection. Our practitioners use the cards to tap into the wisdom of your guardian angels; serving as a bridge between you and the spiritual realm.

    During each session you ask questions about various aspects of your life while our practitioners interpret the cards' revelations. We ensure full disclosure on what the cards suggest providing valuable direction from this insightful practice.

  • Who should consider Angel Card Reading?

    Anyone seeking answers to life's questions or desiring advice on specific situations can benefit from Angel Card Reading sessions. It is also suitable for those looking to tap into positivity or seeking deeper connections with their inner self.

    Even if you're just curious about what this divination practice might reveal about your life path or future prospects it's worth giving it a try. Openness to spiritual insights can lead to profound personal transformations.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have numerous questions so we've compiled answers to some of the most common queries our clients have about our services and treatments. It's designed to give you a clear understanding of what to expect from us. If you can't find an answer or need more details, feel free to reach out to us directly - we're always here to help!

  • Can I combine different energy treatments in one session?

    Yes, it's possible to combine different energy treatments in one session. This approach is often referred to as integrative healing, which aims to address the various aspects of an individual's well-being. Combining therapies can maximize the benefits of each treatment and help achieve a more holistic healing experience.

    However, the suitability of combining treatments depends on your unique circumstances and health needs. Our skilled practitioners will assess your situation during the initial consultation and recommend a personalized treatment plan. The goal is always to ensure you receive maximum benefits from each session while maintaining a comfortable experience.

  • Are there any side effects to these treatments?

    Energy healing practices are generally safe with minimal side effects. They are non-invasive techniques that work on promoting balance and wellness within your body without causing harm. Some people may feel temporary discomfort or emotional release as their body adjusts to changes in energy flow.

    In rare cases, some individuals might experience mild reactions such as fatigue or emotional sensitivity following a session as part of the body’s natural healing response. It's crucial to communicate with our practitioners about how you feel after each session so that they can adjust future treatments accordingly for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

  • How often should I have energy healing?

    The frequency of energy healing sessions varies depending on individual needs and wellness goals. For those seeking relief from specific ailments or conditions, weekly sessions may be beneficial initially before transitioning into bi-weekly or monthly maintenance appointments.

    If you're utilizing energy healing for general wellness and stress management, monthly or bi-monthly sessions might be sufficient. Ultimately, our experienced practitioners will work closely with you to determine an optimal schedule that supports your overall well-being while considering factors such as personal schedule, budget constraints, and progress towards wellness goals.

  • Can I do energy healing treatments if I am pregnant or have a medical condition?

    Generally speaking, energy healing treatments are safe for most individuals, including those who are pregnant or have a medical condition. These treatments work by promoting balance and wellness within the body and do not involve any invasive procedures that could potentially cause harm.

    That said, if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant, it is vital to discuss this with our practitioners before starting any treatment. This will allow them to tailor the session to your specific needs and ensure maximum safety and comfort. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before undertaking any new treatment regimen.

  • What should I expect during my first session?

    During your first energy healing session at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio, you can expect a supportive and relaxing environment conducive to healing. Initially, our practitioners will have a detailed conversation with you about your health history, lifestyle habits, wellness goals and current state of well-being.

    Following this discussion, you'll undergo the actual energy healing treatment where our practitioner uses various techniques depending on the service chosen. These may include light touch or no-touch methods intended to channel healing energy into your body. The process is generally soothing and many clients report feeling calmness or even falling asleep during their sessions.

Our Services

Step into a world of rejuvenation and self-care with our array of bespoke services at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio. Our offerings span across holistic, anti-aging spa treatments, energy healing services, and cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments. Embrace the journey towards enhanced well-being with us.

A woman is sitting on a wicker ottoman in a lotus position in a living room.

Step Onto the Path of Tranquility Today

Feeling the need for a holistic healing experience? Our team at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio is eager to assist. Whether you're from Newburyport or further away, book your Energy Healing appointment today. We also provide Body Aesthetics & Sculpting services designed to enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence. We're here to answer any questions and guide you on your journey towards balance and wellness.

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